Exercise: 9 ways to keep motivated

Posted by Mead Physio Group on January 4th 2023

“New year, new me” who’s said that before?
With the fresh start of a new year, it’s a great time to set some new goals with a lot of people wanting this year to be the one they walk more, run more, get fit etc.
Whilst goals are great, often, staying motivated to reach them is the hardest part. Beginning a new exercise regime can be exciting and feel good, but as the weeks tick by we lose our motivation.

Here are some ways to stay on track long term:

  1. Put it on paper. Write your goals down and keep them on the fridge or somewhere easy to see. Ensure your goals are reasonable and sustainable
  2. Start slowly with something you enjoy, then vary the routine to keep it interesting
  3. Keep track of your progress and revise your program as/if required
  4. Exercise together. Join forces with your partner, friends, family or join a class/supervised session to help with support and accountability
  5. Put exercise into your weekly routine as non-negotiable time for yourself. Self-care at its best!
  6. Add some outdoors exercise where possible. The fresh air and change of scenery works wonders for the mind
  7. Go easy on yourself if you need a break. If your day/week is too busy or you simply don't feel up to it, take a day or two off
  8. Don’t forget to ask for help if you need it
  9. Whatever exercise you do, the most important thing is to find something you enjoy. Moving your body should be fun and make you feel good.
If you want someone on your side from the start, we’d love to hear from you this new year. At Mead Physio Group our team including Accredited Exercise Physiologist’s (AEP) can help you to move safely and keep you accountable and motivated to reach your goals!
We wish you all the best for 2023, a year of good health and happiness.